

MANGO shirts blouse
$49 –

H&M skinny jeans
$49 –

Gold jewelry

Simple Style

Simple Style

H&M high waisted pants
$25 –

Stud earrings
$125 –

Color Run Recap!

I participated in my first run! On Saturday, I went to the Brooklyn color run and had an amazing time! I will admit I walked the entire run, but hey, it’s for fun! I loved the supportive environment and never felt silly for walking the whole time. Of course it was fun being sprayed with color! We got lucky with the weather because it was sunny but I wasn’t exhausted from the heat. 

I’m including some awkward shots of me with my color run gear. I think we can all agree that free t-shirts are the best. Totally worth any price when you walk away with some swag. 
The best part was all the health vendors giving out free food! I posed with my sister and Oatworks smoothies. These smoothies have oats in them which is a great idea because most of us are obsessedd with our oats and will find any excuse to have some more! I don’t know too much about the company, but I just did some googling. The website says each smoothie is 100% juice (always look for that 100%), no added sugars, no preservatives, and equivalent to 2 bowls of oatmeal. I tried a few sips of the strawberry banana one and liked it, but I will probably just stick to my oats in a bowl rather than a smoothie. 
Here I am looking like a teenage alien. I felt like a camper, I look like a camper, but I promise I’m an adult. True story: I went to the Keurig area to get free coffee and they asked how old I was. Since when are you carded for coffee? Or am I so young looking that I can’t have caffeine without my parents approval? Okay, slight bitterness over, back to the fun! 
20140708-175830.jpgKind was there handing out free bars! I kind of freaked out over that  because I really like Kind bars. I thought only taking 3 was showing self control. I was tempted to take as many in a box but thought that would be going overboard. Also, a free “shot” of chia seeds? Yes please. These are from the Chia Co brand, and I actually ate one of their chia pods for breakfast that morning. Yasso, the frozen greek yogurt company, was also there handing out frozen yogurt bars. Full sized my friends, I was shocked. I forgot to take a picture of my mint chip bar, but it converted me to greek yogurt bars for summer. 

I highly recommend the color run to any novice runners, experienced runners, or people you just like to walk and have some fun! I almost forgot to mention the dance party, loud music, and people throwing color at each other. Daytime fun that emphasis health and wellness is always welcomed. 


Stay Healthy, Stay Snacking

I’ve been meaning to do a snacking post, and now is that time! I used to think snacking was a bad idea, but after switching to a more plant based diet, I realized how important snacks are. I know I need that steady supply of energy to keep me motivated throughout the day.

Let’s get snacking!

1. Fruit

Fruit is my favorite snack especially in the summer. Words that come to mind: juicy, sweet, refreshing. My current favorites are cherries, plums and oranges. I also discussed my love of frozen fruit many many times here, and frozen mangoes are still my favorite evening snack. I love getting a mixture of fruits and snacking on those. You can also blend the fruit into a smoothie or make little fruit skewers!

2. Energy bars/bites

These are my go to snacks. I always have no bake bites in my freezer. I use mostly dates, cashews, walnuts, and raw cacao. I like ,one chocolate, but you can add raisins or goji berries for a different taste. Adding different consistencies will change the texture of the bites. Bananas are great for bars because it becomes most, as opposed to just using nuts and dates. I’m going to link some of my favorite recipes.

Favorite energy bars:

– Kind bar

– Larabar

– Health Warrior chia bar

– Go Macro macrobar


Banana Nut Protein Bars

Raw Raisin and Ginger Nut Bars

Superfood Hemp Protein Bars


3. Quick breads

Quick breads for me are banana bread, Muffins, etc. that only take 20-30 mins to make. I usually eat mine for breakfast, but are great for afternoon snacks and dessert. I usually end up making banana bread but there are so many flavor combinations.


Chocolate Chip Summer Squash Banana Bread 

Banana Spelt Muffins 

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins 


4. Veggies and hummus

Such an easy snack if you have pre-cut veggies and hummus. The hummus can also be replaced with guacamole. The first veggies that come to mind are carrots, celery, tomatoes, cauliflower, and broccoli. I keep a bag of carrots around for when I feel like having a snack.

Hope this gives you some inspiration for your next snack craving! I also love trail mix and of course some dark chocolate. In other news I did the color run on Saturday and it was so much fun! I’ll do a little recap for you on Wednesday. I am so happy I did it, and will definitely do it gain next year. 


Happy WIAW! Once again I’m linking to Peas and Crayons for this week’s view into what I like to eat!


This was actually my eats from Saturday, which means pancakes! As you can tell, when I make pancakes, it’s really just one giant pancake because it’s way easier. I made the two ingredient banana egg pancakes which I love. It’s just 1 banana, 2 eggs, plus some flax-seed that I add in just because. I had a ton of blueberries that needed to be used up so I sprinkled those on top and of course added some of my raw almond butter. Never. Getting. Old. Almond butter for life friends.


That keeps me full until lunch which was a sweet potato stuffed with tofu and spinach. I love playing with sweet potatoes and seeing what other foods pair well with it. I like using it as a base for tofu and tempeh, this is just crumbled tofu that was cooked on the stove.


Right after I ate some sun-dried tomatoes right out of these containers. I really can’t decide if I like them or not. They’re kind of like the food you keep eating but then after realize you don’t like them.


My afternoon snack was a ton of fruit because we got the largest fruit delivery ever and fruit does not last. It’s the perfect excuse for smoothies and eating fruit all day long.


I went to dinner with my family to Grand Lux Cafe and they actually have a menu item called “vegetables as a meal.” I was so excited I had to order it. I got mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, and spinach with brown rice. All my favorites! Sometimes I feel awkward wanting to order these types of meals but now it is becoming easier.

Not pictured is the trail mix I ate after because this was not filling enough and because trail mix is the greatest evening snack.

That’s it for today!

What have you been eating lately?